炒股杠杆公司 1分钟快速了解:全面解析景区创5A级景区标准和要求?

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炒股杠杆公司 1分钟快速了解:全面解析景区创5A级景区标准和要求?






新版标准:由文化和旅游部牵头研制的新版《旅游景区质量等级划分》(GB/T 17775-2024)将于2025年3月1日起实施。该标准在原版基础上进行了修订,更加注重可持续发展、绿色低碳、文旅融合、智慧旅游等方面。


1. 自然环境与景观质量




河南大地标识设计制作有限公司 简称 :大地标识 ,旗下品牌:大地交通、大地标品等;位于河南省郑州市 主营:全域旅游交通标识、创A景区标识系统、交通安全设施、公共环境标识标牌、智慧标识软硬件系统;成立于2007年;原创设计、优质产品,服务好才是真的好!


景区智慧导览设备源头厂家大地标识 河南郑州

2. 设施设备与服务




3. 管理与安全



4. 文化特色与活动



5. 游客体验与满意度


















河南大地标识设计制作有限公司 简称 :大地标识 ,旗下品牌:大地交通、大地标品等;位于河南省郑州市 主营:全域旅游交通标识、创A景区标识系统、交通安全设施、公共环境标识标牌、智慧标识软硬件系统;成立于2007年;原创设计、优质产品,服务好才是真的好!

A Comprehensive Analysis of the Standards and Requirements for Creating a 5A Scenic Area: This can be done in the following aspects:

I. Overview of the Standards

Definition and Background: A 5A-level tourist scenic area is the highest standard for quality grade division of tourist areas in the People's Republic of China (now the Ministry of Culture and Tourism), representing the top level of Chinese tourist areas. The standard aims to guide tourist areas to improve service quality, management level, cultural characteristics, and comprehensive benefits.

New Version of the Standard: The new version of Grading Standards for Tourist Scenic Areas (GB/T 17775-2024) led by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will be implemented from March 1, 2025. The standard has been revised based on the original version, placing more emphasis on sustainable development, green low-carbon, cultural tourism integration, smart tourism, etc.

II. Specific Standards and Requirements

1. Natural Environment and Landscape Quality

High-quality natural environment: including beautiful mountain scenery, unique geomorphology, rare flora and fauna resources, etc.

Landscape Resources: Excellent resource value and landscape quality, with several well-known landscapes at the national or even world level.

Environmental Quality: Air quality, water quality, etc. need to meet corresponding standards.

2. Facilities and Equipment Services

Infrastructure: Complete visitor reception centers, parking lots, public restrooms, catering and accommodation facilities, etc.

Service Facilities: Provide services such as tour guide explanations, visitor consultations, complaint handling, etc.

Smart Tourism: Strengthen information construction and provide convenient online services such as electronic ticketing and intelligent guidance.

3. Management and Safety

Management System: Sound management system and operating management system, including scenic area planning, resource protection, visitor management, safety management, etc.

Safety Guarantee: Strengthen security measures to ensure visitors' personal and property safety. Establish emergency rescue mechanisms to improve emergency response capabilities.

4. Cultural Characteristics and Activities

Cultural Digging: Excavate and display the historical culture and folk customs within the scenic area.

Cultural Activities: Hold cultural activities with local characteristics to enhance the cultural taste and attractiveness of the scenic area.

5. Visitor Experience and Satisfaction

Service Quality: Provide high-quality sightseeing facilities and service experiences to meet visitors' diverse needs.

Visitor Satisfaction: Evaluate through visitor satisfaction scoring rules to ensure that visitor satisfaction reaches a high level.

III. Scoring Rules

Scoring Rules for Service Quality and Environmental Quality: Total score of 1000 points, 5A-level scores need to reach 950 points. Including eight parts: tourism transportation, sightseeing, tourism safety, sanitation, postal services, tourism shopping, comprehensive management, resource protection and environmental protection.

Scoring Rules for Landscape Quality: Total score of 100 points, 5A-level scores need to reach 90 points. Including two aspects: resource attraction and market influence.

Scoring Rules for Visitor Opinions: Total score of 100 points, 5A-level scores need to reach 90 points. Mainly scored according to visitors' satisfaction with the tourist scenic area.

IV. Prerequisites for Application

Scenic Area Foundation: Must be a 4A-level tourist scenic area and have been a 4A-level scenic area for more than three years continuously since becoming a 4A-level scenic area.

Area and Visitor Volume: The scenic area must be no less than 3 square kilometers in size and receive no fewer than 600,000 visitors annually, including more than 50,000 overseas visitors.

V. Creation Process

The creation of a 5A-level tourist scenic area is a long and arduous task that usually includes the following steps:

Preliminary Preparation: Define the creation goal, formulate the creation plan, and set up the creation team.

Self-inspection and Rectification: Self-inspect against the standards to find deficiencies and make rectifications.

Preparation of Application Materials: Prepare complete application materials including self-assessment reports and relevant supporting documents.

On-site Review: Accept on-site reviews by the National Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Publicity and Recognition: After passing the review, conduct publicity before obtaining recognition as a 5A-level tourist scenic area.

In summary, creating a 5A-level tourist scenic area requires meeting a series of strict standards and requirements involving natural environment, facilities equipment, management services, cultural characteristics, and visitor experience among other aspects. Through continuous efforts and improvement炒股杠杆公司, scenic areas can achieve this top standard and enjoy its many benefits.


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